Belfast skyline.
Belfast skyline.

City of Belfast the Star in Hollywood Movie

The city of Belfast has seen its fair share of conflict during the period known as "The Troubles." That tortured period of its past is now highlighted in a popular…

Torr Head 1
Torr Head 1

The Northman Movie Filmed in 3 Counties

Three counties on the island of Ireland were used as locations for The Northman movie, a Viking revenge saga centered around 10th-century Iceland, which was released in April 2022. This…


Disney’s Enchanted Sequel Made in Wicklow

If you’re a Disney fan and an Ireland lover, you’ll be thrilled to know that the entertainment giant filmed a sequel to its 2007 film “Enchanted” along the country's east…

Nephin Mountain 1
Nephin Mountain 1

North Mayo Looks Splendid in Hollywood Movie

The reviews weren't exactly kind but if you can put aside the botched-up job on the Irish accents, the Hollywood movie "Wild Mountain Thyme" captures the North Mayo area perfectly.…