Bru na Boinne Visitor Site 2 1
Bru na Boinne Visitor Site 2 1

Brú na Bóinne Enhanced Visitor Centre Open

The newly revamped Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre in County Meath was officially opened in March, 2022, and will enhance the visitor experience for the thousands of tourists passing through…

Skellig Michael View
Skellig Michael View

Lonely Planet Gives Nod to Irish Attractions

Lonely Planet, the publisher of the popular worldwide travel guides, has added 8 Irish destinations to its popular Ultimate Travel List, highlighting the "500 best places on the planet." This…

Newgrange Entrance
Newgrange Entrance

Newgrange Passage Tomb Genetics Project

Updated October 2021: The Newgrange passage tomb in Co. Meath, part of the popular Brú na Bóinne heritage site, was the focus of a 2020 genetics research project that produced…

Read more about the article Newgrange Center Offers Better Experience for Visitors
The ancient Newgrange in County Meath. Photo: Brian Morrison, Fáilte Ireland/Tourism Ireland.

Newgrange Center Offers Better Experience for Visitors

The Newgrange Visitor Center in County Meath, refurbished after a 6-month do-over, was officially opened in December 2019. This news item and page contain affiliate links and I may earn…